
Instructions:  To return the form electronically, please highlight or underline your responses. Take as much space as you need to respond to the questions.   Feel free to add in anything that might be helpful.

1. Do you believe the board meets:

(1) too infrequently
(2)  too frequently
(3) meeting frequency is appropriate

2. Are the board meetings generally:

(1) too short
(2) too long
(3) just the right amount of time?

If meetings are running too long, what is the reason?

3. Is the *board size:

1) too small
2) too large
3) appropriate

(*The bylaws allow for a larger board – should you recruit additional members? )

4. Does the board follow the written agenda?

1) Yes
2) No

5. Does the board use its meeting time efficiently?

1) Yes
2) No

If no: what would help the board use the time better?

6. Does the board usually act on all of its action items during its meetings?

1) Yes
2) No

If items are delayed what is the reason?

7. How do you describe the tone/atmosphere of board meetings?  (Select all that apply!)

1) Orderly
2) Chaotic
3) Harmonious
4) Contentious
5) Productive

8. Do you have all of the information you need to act on topics on the board agenda?

1) Yes
2) No

If no, what is the reason?

9. What , in your view, could make the board more productive in handling community business?

10. What changes would you like to see in how  board meetings are run? Circle any that apply

(1) Limit discussion on agenda items
(2) Limit the time of the meetings
(3) Follow Robert’s Rules of Order
(4) Agree ahead of time on agenda items by sharing the meeting agenda
(5) Delegate  tracking of action items to board members
(6) Rotate leadership of monthly meetings among the board members
(7) Other: _______________________________________

11. Is the board perceived in a positive manner by the community it serves?

1) Yes
2) No

If no, what is the reason for this view? What could be done to change this?

12.  Do you feel that you can express your views honestly and fully in the board meetings and be listened to by your colleagues?

1) Yes
2) No

13.) What do you believe is the greatest deterrent to attracting new members to the board?