Input: Meeting Minutes

The board president made available minutes for eight meetings in 2011 (all meetings so far); and eight meetings in 2010. The minutes were analyzed for keys to the board’s productivity, including the structure of meetings, the process of handling agenda items, how many items are delayed. Click here for a sample FGCA agenda.

• Of 16 meetings, only two started on time (either 7 p.m. or 7:30).
• Of 16 meetings, only two were adjourned in under two hours (before 9 p.m. or 9:30).
• The shortest meeting was 80 minutes (July 2011); the longest was 240 minutes (October 2011).
• Of 16 meetings, only 7 had full attendance from all five board members.
Average meeting time, 2011 (through October): 156.25 minutes

Average meeting time, 2010: 156.875 minutes

Average percentage of items delayed, 2011 (through October):  40 percent

Average percentage of items delayed, 2011 (eight meetings considered) 45 percent


Not surprisingly, board meetings are shorter when all five members are not present, but the number of issues delayed often rises when not all members are present.
The longest meetings take place in the spring as the board prepares for the June annual meeting of homeowners.  Shortest meetings are in the summer.
Minutes do not indicate how much time is spent on various parts of the agenda, but minutes reflect the most decisions without action are concentrated on 1) spending decisions 2) action on property owner appeals to the board for architectural change approvals and 3) report from the management company.