

Part I: Take a few minutes to assess your skills and styles when it comes to taking part in Forest Glen Board Meetings:  (choose one). You will consider this evaluation again after viewing a videotape of a typical board scenario:

1. Preparing for meetings?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

2. Refraining from talking when an item is already decided?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

3.  Active listening?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

 4. Asking for follow-up when you want more information?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

5. Disagreeing respectfully?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

6. Presenting your viewpoint concisely?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

 7. Realizing when you are making a speech instead of engaging in dialogue?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

8. Remaining on-point when you are speaking?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work


Part II.  Read the description of the following participation styles. With which description do you most closely identify yourself?

  1. Achiever: Blunt, explains a lot, wants clear directions and concise answers, likes to lead.
  2. Evaluator: Detail-oriented, inquires about facts and sources and is not afraid to challenge other’s opinions, follows directions well.
  3. Observer: Likes to discuss topics at length, makes off-topic comments, is easily distracted, asks “what about this” often.
  4. Networker: Asks questions often, will support others’ opinions but does not openly state their own, good listener, avoids confrontation.
  5. Socializer: Tells stories, digresses easily, enjoys group activities, openly states their opinion, very persuasive.


Fetzer, J. (2009). Quick, efficient, effective? Meetings!. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393(8), 1825-1827.


Additional questions for president/recording secretary/ EpCom Chair:

(Geared to “Roles and Responsibilities” aspect of the training.

How good are you at?
 1) Creating a manageable agenda for a 90-minute board meeting? (how many items can be handled?)

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

2) Delegating tasks?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work
 • Cutting off non-productive communication?

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

 3) Redirecting the group toward action items

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

 4) Preparing members for the meetings: (targeted summaries of board meetings, agenda planning, checkpoints.)

1) Excellent 2) Very good 3) Good 4) Average 5) Need Work

Evaluation Form

Pre-training Post-training Evaluator’s observation
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Facilitation style?